I have enjoyed photography immensely as I have grown as a travel blogger. I have graduated in taking pictures from my mobile which used to be a Samsung Android, an iPhone 6 and then to a Canon 1200D which was the start of my real amateur photography. I had a zoom lens to take those real close-ups and to focus hard on objects. The various settings in it looked very annoying at first but then I got the hang of it on my way through Rajasthan and Pushkar.

I shot like a possessed man who tried different angles and light settings along with the use of sunlight to give photos that extra edge. I shot at night and also during the evening. The Korean journey has come out well as I strolled through Isadong Street. All you need is an instinct, a keen eye and a great sense of humour. You capture what you like. The sunset at Turtox Beach is my favourite. Not to forget the shots of Mount Kilimanjaro.

I use distance and focus to make my pictures come alive and have used photography an intrinsic part of my blog. A great eye is what you really need to be a good photographer. A picture has to tell a thousand words and you have to frame well to get that near perfect shot. Yes sir, the eye of the tiger as in the film Rocky.

Creativity, imagination and wit are the other ingredients that go on to make great blog photography. I am using photo selling and showcasing feature Smug Mug to trade my photos especially now that I have upgraded to a Canon Mark IV 5D camera. The pictures, due to high megapixels, is sharp and edgy. I feel in a few months, I will be able to create work that will sell in the market. Of course, the location makes all the difference. My ‘Gorillas in the Mist’ article and photographs of animals in Serengeti and Maasai Mara were also very eye catching although I was using the 1200D.

The Mark IV has an inbuilt Wifi which helps in sharing and downloading photographs directly from the camera. It can then be downloaded to a phone using an application. These are then loaded on Gmail to be sent to my service providers. I use both 24mm to 70mm and 70mm to 200mm lenses. These are the ones I use to get some great shots. The flowers from Baba Ramdev’s ashram were shot using these lenses. I have recently added a drone camera to this list of photography equipment but we will talk about that a bit later. I use a finer stand to mount my camera and shoot still videos. The Ganga Arti in Haridwar was captured in this way.

So go out there and buy a digital camera, stroll the countryside, parks and lanes to capture what you like the most. You can also select a theme and capture accordingly. A lot of professional photography is showcased in this way and now Tikku’s Travelthon will also be joining them.