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🗓 Best Time To Visit:October to March

⏰ Open Hours:N/A

🏞 Things To Do:Visit Buddhist temples, Explore the Stupa complex, Experience the annual Buddha Purnima festival

💰 Budget:Free entry for all sights

🧳 Traveller Types:Spiritual seekers, History buffs, Culture explorers

🌟 Known For:Being one of the most important Buddhist pilgrimage sites, Death place of Gautama Buddha, Parinirvana Stupa and temple

🚉 Distances:52 km from Gorakhpur Railway Station, 26 km from Kushinagar Airport, 325 km from Lucknow

🍽 Local Cuisine:Uttar Pradesh Thali, Chaat, Pani Puri, Lassi

🛍 Shopping:Handicrafts, Buddhist religious items, Local artifacts

🕌 Major Attractions:Mahaparinirvana Temple, Ramabhar Stupa, Japanese Temple, Chinese Temple

📌 Tips:Respect religious customs, Dress modestly, Ideal for meditation and peace seekers

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Kushinagar: A Sacred Destination for Buddhist Pilgrims

Are you looking for a spiritual and cultural getaway in India? Do you want to explore the ancient and holy sites where Lord Buddha spent his last moments? If yes, then Kushinagar is the perfect place for you. Kushinagar is one of the four most important Buddhist pilgrimage sites in the world, along with Lumbini, Bodh Gaya, and Sarnath.

It is the place where Gautam Buddha attained Mahaparinirvana, or the final liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Kushinagar is also a treasure trove of history, art, and architecture, as it boasts of several stupas, temples, and monuments that reflect the glorious past of this city.

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Kushinagar, from its history and significance, to its attractions and activities, to its travel tips and booking options. Read on to discover why Kushinagar is a must-visit destination for Buddhist pilgrims, as well as for anyone interested in history, culture, and spirituality.

Why Visit Kushinagar?

Kushinagar is not just a place, but an experience. It is a place where you can feel the presence and teachings of Lord Buddha, who chose this city as his final resting place. It is a place where you can witness the rich heritage and diversity of India, as it is home to people of different faiths, languages, and cultures. It is a place where you can enjoy the beauty and tranquility of nature, as it is surrounded by lush green fields, forests, and rivers. Kushinagar offers a variety of attractions and activities for visitors of all ages and interests.

You can visit the stupas, temples, and parks that are associated with the life and death of Lord Buddha. You can meditate, learn, and participate in the festivals that celebrate the teachings and legacy of Lord Buddha. You can also explore the other aspects of Kushinagar, such as its cuisine, shopping, and nearby places. By visiting Kushinagar, you will not only gain insight, peace, and enlightenment, but also support the local community and economy, as tourism is one of the main sources of income for the people of this city.

What to See and Do in Kushinagar?

Kushinagar has a lot to offer to its visitors, from historical and religious sites, to cultural and natural sites, to other activities. Here are some of the best places to see and things to do in Kushinagar, based on your preferences, budget, and time.

Historical Sites

If you are interested in the history of Kushinagar, you should not miss these historical sites that showcase the glorious past of this city.

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Mahaparinirvana Stupa and Temple: This is the most sacred and important site in Kushinagar, as it is the place where Lord Buddha attained Mahaparinirvana, or the final liberation from the cycle of birth and death. The stupa is a large brick mound that marks the spot where Lord Buddha’s cremation took place. The temple houses a 6-meter-long reclining statue of Lord Buddha, which depicts his last moments. The statue is made of sandalwood and covered with gold, and is said to be one of the most beautiful and serene statues of Lord Buddha in the world. The stupa and temple are also adorned with various sculptures, paintings, and inscriptions that depict the life and teachings of Lord Buddha. The stupa and temple are open from sunrise to sunset, and the entry is free. You can spend about an hour here, and also join the prayers and chants that are held by the monks and devotees.

Ramabhar Stupa: This is another important historical site in Kushinagar, as it is the place where Lord Buddha’s funeral pyre was lit. The stupa is also known as the Mukutbandhan Chaitya, or the Cremation Stupa, and is located about 1.5 km away from the Mahaparinirvana Stupa and Temple. The stupa is a circular mound of bricks, about 50 feet high and 140 feet in diameter. It is surrounded by a pond, which is believed to be the source of water that was used to extinguish the fire. The stupa is also a place of worship and reverence for the Buddhists, who offer flowers and incense to the stupa. The stupa is open from sunrise to sunset, and the entry is free. You can spend about 30 minutes here, and also enjoy the scenic view of the pond and the fields.

Kushinagar Museum: This is a great place to learn more about the history, culture, and art of Kushinagar, as it displays a collection of artifacts, sculptures, coins, paintings, and inscriptions that date back to the ancient and medieval periods. The museum is located near the Mahaparinirvana Stupa and Temple, and is managed by the Archaeological Survey of India. The museum has four galleries, which showcase the Buddhist, Jain, Hindu, and Islamic influences on Kushinagar. The museum also has a library, a photo gallery, and a souvenir shop. The museum is open from 10 am to 5 pm, except on Fridays and national holidays. The entry fee is Rs. 10 for Indians and Rs. 100 for foreigners. You can spend about an hour here, and also buy some souvenirs and books from the shop.

Religious Sites

If you are interested in the religious aspects of Kushinagar, you should not miss these religious sites that reflect the diversity and harmony of this city.

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Indo - Japan Srilanka Temple: This is a unique and beautiful temple that showcases the collaboration and friendship between India, Japan, and Sri Lanka. The temple is located near the Mahaparinirvana Stupa and Temple, and is a blend of Indian, Japanese, and Sri Lankan architectural styles. The temple has a large hall, which houses a golden statue of Lord Buddha, along with statues of Bodhisattvas and other deities. The temple also has a meditation center, a library, and a guest house. The temple is open from 6 am to 6 pm, and the entry is free. You can spend about 30 minutes here, and also meditate, read, and stay at the temple.

Chinese Temple: This is a charming and colorful temple that showcases the Chinese influence and contribution to Kushinagar. The temple is located near the Mahaparinirvana Stupa and Temple, and is built in the Chinese style of architecture. The temple has a pagoda, which houses a statue of Lord Buddha, along with statues of his disciples and other deities. The temple also has a museum, which displays a collection of Chinese artifacts, paintings, and scriptures. The temple is open from 6 am to 6 pm, and the entry is free. You can spend about 30 minutes here, and also visit the museum and admire the art and culture of China.

Wat Thai Temple: This is a magnificent and serene temple that showcases the Thai influence and contribution to Kushinagar. The temple is located about 2 km away from the Mahaparinirvana Stupa and Temple, and is built in the Thai style of architecture. The temple has a large complex, which consists of a main shrine, a meditation hall, a monastery, and a garden. The temple also hosts the annual Buddha Purnima festival, which is the most important and celebrated festival in Kushinagar. The temple is open from 6 am to 6 pm, and the entry is free. You can spend about an hour here, and also participate in the festival and enjoy the festivities and rituals of Thailand.

Cultural Sites

If you are interested in the culture of Kushinagar, you should not miss these cultural sites that showcase the diversity and vibrancy of this city.

Matha Kuar Shrine: This is a fascinating and sacred site that showcases the Jain influence and presence in Kushinagar. The shrine is located near the Mahaparinirvana Stupa and Temple, and is dedicated to Lord Mahavira, the 24th and last Tirthankara of Jainism. The shrine has a statue of Lord Mahavira, which is carved out of a single block of stone, and is about 10 feet high and 6 feet wide. The shrine also has a pond, which is believed to be the place where Lord Mahavira took his last bath. The shrine is open from sunrise to sunset, and the entry is free. You can spend about 30 minutes here, and also learn more about the Jain philosophy and principles.

Sun Temple: This is a stunning and ancient site that showcases the Hindu influence and presence in Kushinagar. The temple is located about 17 km away from the Mahaparinirvana Stupa and Temple, and is dedicated to Lord Surya, the Sun God. The temple has a statue of Lord Surya, which is made of black stone, and is about 5 feet high and 3 feet wide. The temple also has a pond, which is believed to have healing powers. The temple is open from sunrise to sunset, and the entry is free. You can spend about 30 minutes here, and also take a dip in the pond and seek the blessings of Lord Surya.

Japanese Meditation Park: This is a peaceful and beautiful site that showcases the Japanese influence and contribution to Kushinagar. The park is located near the Mahaparinirvana Stupa and Temple, and is a place where you can relax, meditate, and enjoy the nature. The park has a pond, which has a lotus flower in the center, and is surrounded by trees, flowers, trees, and benches. The park also has a statue of Lord Buddha, which is made of bronze, and is about 18 feet high and 10 feet wide. The park is open from sunrise to sunset, and the entry is free. You can spend about an hour here, and also meditate, read, and enjoy the serene atmosphere of the park.

Natural Sites

If you are interested in the nature of Kushinagar, you should not miss these natural sites that showcase the beauty and tranquility of this city.

Pawanagar: This is a scenic and serene site that showcases the natural beauty and diversity of Kushinagar. Pawanagar is located about 12 km away from the Mahaparinirvana Stupa and Temple, and is a place where you can enjoy the view of the river, the hills, and the fields. Pawanagar is also a place of historical and religious significance, as it is believed to be the place where Lord Buddha gave his last sermon to his disciples. Pawanagar is also known as Fazilnagar, and is a popular picnic spot for locals and tourists. Pawanagar is open from sunrise to sunset, and the entry is free. You can spend about an hour here, and also visit the nearby attractions, such as the Ashokan Pillar, the Nirvana Chaitya, and the Kushinara Nibbana Bhumi.

Devraha Asthan: This is a charming and sacred site that showcases the natural beauty and harmony of Kushinagar. Devraha Asthan is located about 3 km away from the Mahaparinirvana Stupa and Temple, and is a place where you can see the confluence of the rivers Gandak and Ghaghara. Devraha Asthan is also a place of religious significance, as it is believed to be the place where Lord Rama, the hero of Ramayana, met his sons Lava and Kusha. Devraha Asthan is also a place of cultural significance, as it hosts the annual Ram Navami festival, which is one of the most celebrated festivals in Kushinagar. Devraha Asthan is open from sunrise to sunset, and the entry is free. You can spend about 30 minutes here, and also participate in the festival and enjoy the cultural and religious activities of Kushinagar.

Kuber Asthan: This is a stunning and ancient site that showcases the natural beauty and mystery of Kushinagar. Kuber Asthan is located about 20 km away from the Mahaparinirvana Stupa and Temple, and is a place where you can see the ruins of an old fort, which is believed to be the palace of Kuber, the god of wealth. Kuber Asthan is also a place of historical and archaeological significance, as it is said to be the place where Lord Buddha met King Pasenadi of Kosala, and also the place where many ancient coins and artifacts have been found. Kuber Asthan is open from sunrise to sunset, and the entry is free. You can spend about an hour here, and also explore the fort and the surrounding area.

Other Activities

If you are looking for some other activities to do in Kushinagar, you should not miss these options that will make your trip more fun and memorable.

Take a boat ride on the river:

One of the best ways to enjoy the beauty and tranquility of Kushinagar is to take a boat ride on the river. You can hire a boat from the Pawanagar or the Devraha Asthan, and sail along the river, while admiring the view of the fields, the hills, and the wildlife. You can also stop at some of the islands and banks, and explore the villages, the temples, and the monuments. A boat ride on the river will cost you about Rs. 500 for an hour, and you can choose the time and the route according to your convenience and preference.

Visit the nearby places:

If you have some extra time and want to visit some of the nearby places that are also worth seeing, you can take a day trip to some of these destinations, which are within a few hours of drive from Kushinagar. Some of the nearby places that you can visit are:

Gorakhpur: This is a bustling and vibrant city that is about 50 km away from Kushinagar, and is the headquarters of the Gorakhpur district. Gorakhpur is known for its temples, such as the Gorakhnath Temple, the Vishnu Temple, and the Gita Press. Gorakhpur is also known for its museums, such as the Gorakhpur Museum, the Ramgarh Tal Museum, and the Kushmi Forest Museum. Gorakhpur is also known for its markets, such as the Golghar Market, the Urdu Bazaar, and the Rapti Nagar Market.

Kapilvastu: This is a sacred and ancient city that is about 100 km away from Kushinagar, and is one of the four holy places for Buddhists. Kapilvastu is the place where Lord Buddha spent his childhood and youth, as the son of King Suddhodana of the Shakya clan. Kapilvastu is also the place where Lord Buddha renounced his worldly life and set out on his quest for enlightenment. Kapilvastu has many stupas, temples, and monuments that are associated with the life and teachings of Lord Buddha, such as the Piprahwa Stupa, the Tilaurakot Palace, and the Lumbini Garden.

Ayodhya: This is a revered and ancient city that is about 150 km away from Kushinagar, and is one of the seven holy cities for Hindus. Ayodhya is the place where Lord Rama, the hero of Ramayana, was born, and also the place where he returned after his exile. Ayodhya has many temples, ghats, and ashrams that are associated with the life and legends of Lord Rama, such as the Ram Janmabhoomi Temple, the Hanuman Garhi Temple, and the Nageshwarnath Temple.

How to Plan and Book Your Trip to Kushinagar?

Now that you know what to see and do in Kushinagar, you might be wondering how to plan and book your trip to Kushinagar. Don’t worry, we have got you covered. Here are some practical and useful tips on how to plan and book your trip to Kushinagar, such as choosing the best time to visit, finding the best deals on flights and hotels, packing the essentials, and preparing the itinerary.

Best Time to Visit Kushinagar

The best time to visit Kushinagar depends on the weather and the festivals. Kushinagar has a subtropical climate, with hot summers, mild winters, and moderate rainfall. The summer season lasts from April to June, and the temperature can reach up to 45°C. The winter season lasts from November to February, and the temperature can drop down to 5°C. The monsoon season lasts from July to October, and the rainfall can vary from moderate to heavy. The best time to visit Kushinagar is from October to April, when the weather is pleasant and comfortable, and the city is also in a festive mood. During this time, you can witness the celebrations of some of the major festivals in Kushinagar, such as Buddha Purnima, Ram Navami, and Maha Shivaratri. These festivals are celebrated with great enthusiasm and devotion, and you can also join the prayers, processions, and rituals that are held by the locals and the pilgrims.

How to Reach Kushinagar

Kushinagar is well-connected by air, rail, and road, and you can choose the mode of transport that suits your convenience and budget. Here are some of the options on how to reach Kushinagar:

By air:

The nearest airport to Kushinagar is the Gorakhpur Airport, which is about 50 km away from the city. The Gorakhpur Airport has regular flights from Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Varanasi, and you can book your tickets online with MakeMyTrip, which offers the best deals and discounts on flights. From the airport, you can hire a taxi or a bus to reach Kushinagar, which will cost you about Rs. 1000 for a taxi and Rs. 100 for a bus.

By rail:

The nearest railway station to Kushinagar is the Kasia Railway Station, which is about 15 km away from the city. The Kasia Railway Station has regular trains from Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Varanasi, and you can book your tickets online. From the railway station, you can hire a taxi or a rickshaw to reach Kushinagar, which will cost you about Rs. 500 for a taxi and Rs. 50 for a rickshaw.

By road:

Kushinagar is well-connected by road, and you can reach the city by bus or by car. There are many state and private buses that ply from Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Varanasi, and you can book your tickets online, which offers the best deals and discounts on buses. The bus fare will vary depending on the type and distance of the bus, but it will be around Rs. 500 to Rs. 1000. You can also drive to Kushinagar by car, and the road conditions are good and safe. The distance and duration of the drive will depend on the route and traffic, but it will be around 700 km from Delhi, 1800 km from Mumbai, 800 km from Kolkata, and 300 km from Varanasi.

Where to Stay in Kushinagar

Kushinagar has a range of accommodation options for visitors, from budget to luxury, and from hotels to resorts. Here are some of the best hotels and resorts in Kushinagar, along with their ratings, prices, and amenities.

The Royal Residency:

This is a luxurious and elegant hotel that offers a comfortable and memorable stay in Kushinagar. The hotel is located near the Mahaparinirvana Stupa and Temple, and has a spacious and beautiful complex, which consists of a lobby, a restaurant, a bar, a spa, a gym, and a garden. The hotel has 44 rooms, which are well-equipped and well-furnished, and have all the modern facilities and services, such as air-conditioning, television, Wi-Fi, minibar, tea/coffee maker, and room service. The hotel also has a conference hall, a banquet hall, and a business center, which are ideal for meetings, events, and functions. The price per night is Rs. 5000 for a deluxe room and Rs. 6000 for a suite room.

Lotus Nikko Hotel:

This is a charming and cozy hotel that offers a pleasant and relaxing stay in Kushinagar. The hotel is located near the Mahaparinirvana Stupa and Temple, and has a simple and elegant design, which reflects the Buddhist theme and culture. The hotel has 68 rooms, which are clean and comfortable, and have all the basic amenities and services, such as air-conditioning, television, Wi-Fi, telephone, and room service. The hotel also has a restaurant, which serves delicious and authentic Indian, Chinese, and continental cuisine. The price per night is Rs. 3000 for a standard room and Rs. 4000 for a deluxe room.

Hotel Adelphi Grande:

This is a budget and friendly hotel that offers a decent and affordable stay in Kushinagar. The hotel is located near the Kasia Railway Station, and has a modest and neat appearance, which suits the needs and expectations of the travelers. The hotel has 20 rooms, which are spacious and airy, and have all the essential amenities and services, such as air-conditioning, television, telephone, and room service. The hotel also has a restaurant, which serves tasty and hygienic Indian, Chinese, and continental cuisine. The price per night is Rs. 1500 for a standard room and Rs. 2000 for a deluxe room.

We hope that this article has inspired you to visit Kushinagar and experience its beauty, history, and spirituality for yourself. You can also contact us for any queries or suggestions, or leave a comment below. Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful trip to Kushinagar.

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