A few months ago I was on an adventure that changed the person I was. I went on my first solo trip and it totally altered my perception and the world around me. Traveling in a group has its advantages but traveling solo will change your life forever.
New experiences and thrilling moments spent in the company of yourself will liberate you. Chasing dreams come to a standstill and life seems less complicated. Great knowledge of knowing yourself can be unearthed when you are traveling long distances all by yourself and it is the most exciting journey one can ever be on.
Here are 5 reasons why you should travel solo:

There is nothing more amazing than being in your own company – It’s as if the intensity of experiencing a moment multiplies when you are alone. Travel is a pulsating endeavour and you have to be at your active best to keep moving forward in the journey. This personal time will open up new possibilities that will always simplify life for you. You become braver, smart, agile and a very social person. Understanding yourself is a key lesson solo travel teaches you.

More people you get to know – Often, we travel in groups with friends or family and are occupied living in the comfort of their company. This distracts you from allowing yourself to be truly social and be a part of any group you choose to be all at once or connect with other likeminded solo travellers who always seem to inspire you.

You will completely rely on yourself - When you are outside your comfort zone totally depending on your instincts, it is the best possible situation you can be in to learn about yourself. Seeing new places and meeting new people every day becomes a smooth flow of the positive events and when you are doing all by yourself, it’s the most exhilarating adventure.

There is no limit to what you can do – Traveling solo is the easiest inspiration to cross borders, scale a mountain, bathe in the sea and camp in the desert. What seems possible goes as far as your imagination and every dream you ever had becomes conceivable.

You return home as a different person – You are not the same person who left on an adventure sometime ago. Traveling solo completely changes for the good. You start to appreciate everything around you and people become a more important element in your life. You will start sharing the love for living and thriving in this world and inspire everyone around you.