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Magnetic Hill
📍 Magnetic HillView map ›

🗓 Best Time To Visit:June to October

⏰ Open Hours:Open 24 hours

🏞 Things To Do:Photography, Experience the magnetic phenomenon, Visit the Sikh Gurudwara located nearby

💰 Budget:Free entry

🧳 Traveller Types:Nature lovers, Adventure enthusiasts, Photography enthusiasts

📍 Known For:The optical illusion of cars seeming to roll uphill due to the layout of the surrounding land

🚉 Distances:From Leh Airport - 32 km, From Leh Town - 27 km

🌐 Accessibility:Accessible by road, Preferable to hire a taxi or drive

⚠️ Tips:Carry water and snacks, Respect the local culture and environment, Ensure vehicle is in good condition

📸 Unique Aspect:The 'magnetic' effect is actually an optical illusion created by the gravity hill

🔍 Nearby Attractions:Gurudwara Pathar Sahib, Indus-Zanskar river confluence, Alchi Monastery

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Magnetic Hill in Ladakh: The Mystery and the Magic of India's Zero Gravity Place

Have you ever seen a car defy gravity and roll uphill on its own? If not, then you should visit the Magnetic Hill in Ladakh, one of the most fascinating and mysterious attractions in India. Located on the Leh-Kargil highway, about 30 km from Leh, the Magnetic Hill is a place where the laws of physics seem to bend and break. Here, you can witness the amazing phenomenon of your vehicle moving uphill without any engine power, as if pulled by an invisible force. But what is the secret behind this phenomenon? Is it really a magnetic force, a supernatural power, or just an optical illusion?

In this article, we will explore the different theories and explanations of the Magnetic Hill, and also give you some tips and information on how to visit this wonder of nature.

Photo of Magnetic Hill 1/2 by
(C) Veena World

The Optical Illusion Theory

The most widely accepted and scientifically proven theory behind the Magnetic Hill phenomenon is that it is an optical illusion caused by the landscape and the horizon. According to this theory, the Magnetic Hill is actually a slight downhill slope, but it appears to be an uphill slope because of the obstructed horizon. The horizon is the line where the sky and the earth meet, and it helps us to judge the slope of the surface. However, in the case of the Magnetic Hill, the horizon is not visible because of the surrounding hills and valleys. This creates a false perspective, and makes us think that the road is going uphill, when it is actually going downhill. Therefore, when we turn off the engine and release the brakes, the vehicle starts rolling downhill, but it seems to be rolling uphill.

This optical illusion is not unique to the Magnetic Hill in Ladakh. There are many other places in the world where similar phenomena occur, such as the Electric Brae in Scotland, the Gravity Hill in Australia, and the Mystery Spot in California. These places are also known as gravity hills, magnetic hills, or mystery hills, and they attract thousands of curious visitors every year.

The Magnetic Force Theory

Another popular theory behind the Magnetic Hill phenomenon is that it is a magnetic force that attracts the vehicles and makes them move uphill. According to this theory, the Magnetic Hill has a strong magnetic field, which is generated by electric currents, geodynamo, or ancient meteorites. This magnetic field interacts with the metal parts of the vehicles, and pulls them towards the hill. Some people also claim that the magnetic field affects the compasses, the planes, and even the birds, and makes them deviate from their normal course.

However, this theory has been debunked by many scientists and experts, who have measured the magnetic field of the Magnetic Hill and found it to be normal. They have also pointed out that the magnetic force is not strong enough to overcome the gravity and move the vehicles uphill. Moreover, the magnetic force would affect all the vehicles equally, regardless of their size, weight, or shape, which is not the case in reality. Therefore, the magnetic force theory is not a valid explanation of the Magnetic Hill phenomenon.

The Locals' Myth

The third and the most interesting theory behind the Magnetic Hill phenomenon is the local belief of the people of Ladakh. According to this theory, the Magnetic Hill is a sacred and mystical place, where the supernatural forces are at work. The locals believe that the Magnetic Hill is a pathway to heaven, and that only the blessed ones can reach the top of the hill. They also believe that there is a powerful and benevolent force that protects the travelers and guides them to their destination. Some of the locals even worship the Magnetic Hill and offer prayers and offerings to the deity of the hill.

This theory may not have any scientific basis, but it reflects the rich and diverse culture and history of Ladakh. Ladakh is a land of ancient monasteries, colorful festivals, and stunning landscapes, where Buddhism, Islam, and Hinduism coexist peacefully. The people of Ladakh are known for their hospitality, resilience, and spirituality, and they have many stories and legends to share with the visitors.

Tips for Visiting Magnetic Hill

If you are planning to visit the Magnetic Hill and experience the phenomenon for yourself, here are some tips and information that you should know:

- The best time to visit the Magnetic Hill is between May and September, when the weather is pleasant and the road is clear. Avoid visiting the Magnetic Hill during the winter months, when the temperature drops below zero and the road is covered with snow and ice.

- The Magnetic Hill is located on the Leh-Kargil highway, about 30 km from Leh. You can reach the Magnetic Hill by car, bike, or taxi, from Leh or Kargil. The journey takes about 40 minutes from Leh and about 3 hours from Kargil. You can also take a bus from Leh or Kargil, but you may have to walk for some distance to reach the Magnetic Hill.

- The Magnetic Hill is marked by a yellow signboard that says "The Phenomenon That Defies Gravity". There is also a white box painted on the road, where you have to park your vehicle and turn off the engine. Then, release the brakes and watch your vehicle move uphill on its own. You can also try the experiment with a bottle of water or a ball, and see them roll uphill.

- The Magnetic Hill is not the only attraction in the area. You can also visit some of the nearby places, such as the Leh Palace, the Pangong Lake, and the Khardung La Pass, which are some of the most popular and beautiful destinations in Ladakh. You can also enjoy some adventure activities, such as trekking, camping, rafting, and biking, in the region.

Photo of Magnetic Hill 2/2 by
(C) Google


The Magnetic Hill in Ladakh is one of the most intriguing and mysterious places in India, where you can witness a phenomenon that defies gravity and logic. Whether you believe it is an optical illusion, a magnetic force, or a supernatural power, you will surely be amazed and entertained by the Magnetic Hill. So, what are you waiting for? Book your trip to Ladakh today and witness the magic of the Magnetic Hill!

Magnetic Hill Reviews

The Uncanny and Mysterious Magnetic Hill Near Leh Magnetic Hill is located near Leh in the north Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. It is around 30 kms away from mainland Leh and it is on the Leh - Kargil national highway. Magnetic Hill is an extremely famous and mysterious destination. Not only is the uncanny component of the hill a topic of exploration among backpackers, but also among people at large. However, the mystery is not the only thing that surrounds this place. Beauty and awe are what inspire travellers to visit Magnetic Hill often. Does Magnetic Hill Defy Gravity? Magnetic Hill is said to be possessing strong magnetic properties. It is this magnetism which is responsible for pulling the vehicles uphill and air crafts to be shifted on a higher altitude while passing by the area. People experience their vehicles being dragged on the road even when the vehicle is turned off. The vehicle starts to move ahead with a speed of about 20 km. A few people say that the magnetic phenomena is felt only when the vehicle is big. Small vehicles like bikes do not experience any pull. Theories Behind Magnetic Hill There are two major theories that are generally discussed around the Magnetic hill. Challenging two scientific approaches, one is, of course, the Magnetic force which allows vehicles to move on an upward hill without racing the gear or even not turning it on. Second is the optical illusion which plays around with people's mind. It is claimed that the hill is actually going down, but because of the illusion created by the ambience of the mountains, it works as a natural trick to the eyes. Not defying the rules of gravity, but it actually creates an opposite image on the viewer's mind. It looks like the force is pulling you upwards. Owing to the phenomena of Optical illusion, a downhill slope appears to be an uphill slope. It depends on the horizon lines, and we usually take reference of the horizon to mark something as up or down. So, it appears to be defying the rules of gravity.Rare Wildlife that can be Observed on your Leh Backpacking Trip Leh is home to some of the rarest species of fauna. Set in the upper reaches of the Himalayas, animals such as the Asiatic Ibex and Marmot can be spotted here. Asiatic Ibex is one of the rarest animals found in Leh. It's like a wild goat and its scientific name is Capra Ibex Sibirica. It is a long vaulted horn curved that grazes at high elevations. They like to stay in high altitude meadows in the rocky hills. They are rare to spot in Leh but can be found randomly while travelling to various locations at Leh. About 8 to 10 kilometres before the Pangong lake, a cute Himalayan creature can be found hiding in burrows or even on the side of a remote road. This animal goes by the name - Marmot. It is one of the highest elevation residing mammal in the world. Any visitor who spots a Marmot should be careful enough to not disturb the innocent animal. Due to the heavy influx of travellers on the way to Pangong lake, the marmots are decreasing in number over the past few years. Food Guide for a Yummilicious Leh Backpacking Trip As a traveller exploring a new land on your Leh backpacking trip, make sure to taste the locally prepared Butter Tea. This tea is prepared in specially made equipment and has butter and salt in it. As weird as it may sound, it is amazing. Along with butter tea, don't forget to savour specially made momos. Also, the local dishes like Tigmo, Mokthuk, and K ahwa are available at local eateries. When you enter the Mall Road of Leh, various small shops offer delicious breakfasts and lunch options. While exploring the markets, you will come across many small kitchens that offer delectable lunch and dinner options at a cost of mere 70-80INR per person.A Comparison of Leh Backpacking Trip: Solo Travelers versus Group Travel Leh Backpacking trip can be done solo or with a group of friends. Both have their own advantages and both can be really fun if planned properly. As inspiring as it may sound, solo travel to Leh can be a tad bit expensive. The fact that you're travelling alone will put the entire responsibility of finances on yourself. This will prove especially true for accommodation and food. However, this does not imply that an ideal Leh backpacking trip for solo travellers is not possible. It can be done if you ensure a few things: If travelling solo, try to book your accommodation way in advance so that you are able to avail the best deals. Also, try staying closer to the main area. This will be helpful not just from a budget point of view but safety point of view as well. Try reaching out to fellow solo travellers for the sake of sharing cabs. Private transport can be expensive in hilly terrains. So if you pool, it'll prove cost-effective. Else, just avail of public transport. Lastly, eat at places where a whole meal is cheaper than mere junk food. Now coming to group travellers. On average, a group of three to five can easily pursue the Leh backpacking trip. Since you're not alone, you can split bills for your stay, food and internal transport. A reasonable way is to contribute money in advance to the most travel-friendly person in the group. Transfer the money in his/her account before the commencement of the trip. Throughout the trip, let him/her pay. This will save all the extra hassle. In case you don't pool money in advance, there are significant chances of the onus falling on only one person. Whether travelling solo or with peers, make sure to have lots of fun on your Leh backpacking trip. The region will own you forever, and you would most certainly want to visit again.Average Cost for Leh Backpacking Trip The daily average cost for your Leh backpacking trip will depend entirely on 3 factors - place of stay, transport options and nature of trip - solo or in a group. In order to assist you better, I will methodically do a full break down of expenses for your Leh backpacking trip - Transportation to Use on your Leh Backpacking Trip Public transport Cost of boarding a bus from Manali to Leh will be 500 INR to 2500 INR. It will be 500 INR for a non-deluxe bus and 2500 INR for a deluxe bus. For travelling via bus from Leh to Pangong lake, bus service will cost you about 600 INR. Nubra Valley can also be reached via a direct bus from Leh bus stand. Accommodationto bunk in on your Leh Backpacking Trip There are many accommodation options in Leh. From guesthouses to homestays to hotels, there are different types of stays available at different price tags. Foodto eat on your Leh Backpacking Trip While there are many food options near the Leh town, options start to shrink as you start moving to the interiors. Cafes and restaurants are only available at major stops. However, you can find small eateries at most of the major attractions.Shopping to do on your Leh Backpacking Trip Souvenirs are reminders of our travels. There is a lot of things that you can bring back from your Leh Backpacking Trip. From Pashmina shawls to unique Tibetan motifs, there is plenty to choose from in the markets in Leh.
As we drove down National Highway 1, and eagerly awaited to reach Ladakh, my attention turned towards a board that read a cautionary message, but as usual no one paid heed to me! Until we saw it coming to reality as we parked our car on the Magnetic Hill. Parked in neutral gear, we first thought it was some paranormal ghost story coming to life as the car moved up the steep slope of the mountain!! As reality broke to our frozen selves, within seconds we all ran behind the car, which was now speeding up to beyond 10 km/hr!! Well, it was in turn just plain physics and no freak accident, if only my friends would have listened to me earlier when I hap pointed out to the board that read "Magnetic Hill"!
This morning was supposed to be our leisure day after covering some 1200 kms and 17000ft in few days, but our overexcited group decided to do rafting on Zanskar river. Get prepared to change into bodysuits which are mandatory to wear to save your body from freezing water! So carry an extra pair of clothes and enjoy the 16 kms rafting as we did in Rs 1400 including lunch. On our drive back, we stopped at Magnet Hill. This was a bit of an anti-climax as we were expecting to see a car being pulled towards a hill, then we were told it is an optical illusion and nothing more! But this highway is beautiful, though my advice, do not go there only to see this 'spot'.
Both these rivers have distinct colours, and the steep climb to the viewing point, though exhausting; is a rewarding one. The road below goes to Leh, the other road visible goes downhill to the village of Chilling which lies in the Hemis National Park and is a popular start point for trekking. The well known magnetic hill is an optical illusion for those still not aware of the fact, but one still cannot resist to try out checking whether your vehicle moves uphill (which is actually downhill). This is mostly due to the absence of a horizon! The roads here are straight as an arrow and well maintained. We though tried a bit of off-roading here, which is always fun.
We had a chance to experience bathing in hot springs, which was out this world experience . There were moments when Our cars used to get stuck in sand or any rocky terrain as we also did off roading on the mountains, but we use to off road with one car at a time so that if one gets stuck other one can tow it and take it out. We visited the magnet hill, which I found was just an optical illusion as the road is inclined in the front but seems that we are climbing the road but it was also a different experience all together . After that we also visited the pathar sahib gurdwara which has a very interesting history.
Photos of Magnetic Hill
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