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Minicoy Island
📍 Minicoy Island, LakshadweepView map ›

🗓 Best Time To Visit:October to May

⏰ Open Hours:N/A

🎯 Things To Do:Water sports, Visit lighthouse, Explore local culture

💰 Budget:Varies depending on activities and accommodation, approx INR 5000-15000 per day

🧳 Traveller Types:Adventure enthusiasts, Nature lovers, Couples

🏝 Known For:Crystal clear waters, Unique Maldivian culture, Tuna fishing, 300 feet tall lighthouse

🚉 Distances:From Cochin Airport - 398 km by sea, Nearest Railway - Cochin Railway Station, 398 km by sea

🍽 Local Cuisine:Predominantly seafood with dishes like Mas riha, Bokiba, Garudhiya

🌊 Water Sports:Scuba diving, Snorkelling, Kayaking, Canoeing

📜 Unique Aspect:Only place in India with a majority of Dhivehi speaking population

👍 Tips:Carry sunscreen and hats, Respect local customs, Only Indian nationals are allowed to stay overnight

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Minicoy Island: A Paradise in Lakshadweep

Minicoy Island is a hidden gem in the Arabian Sea, part of the Lakshadweep archipelago. It is the southernmost and second largest island of the group, with an area of 4.8 sq km and a population of about 10,000 people. Minicoy Island is known for its pristine beaches, turquoise lagoons, coral reefs, and rich culture. It is a perfect destination for those who seek peace, relaxation, and adventure in a tropical paradise.

Minicoy Island has a unique history and identity, as it was once ruled by the Maldives and has a distinct language and customs from the rest of Lakshadweep. The island is divided into 11 villages, each with its own village head and council. The islanders are mostly Muslims and follow a matrilineal system of inheritance. The island has a vibrant and colorful culture, with traditional dances, music, and festivals.

Minicoy Island is well connected by air and sea from mainland India. The nearest airport is in Agatti Island, which is about 200 km away. From there, you can take a helicopter or a boat to reach Minicoy Island. The island also has a helipad and a jetty for visitors. The best time to visit Minicoy Island is from September to May, when the weather is pleasant and the sea is calm.

Minicoy Lighthouse: A Historic Landmark

One of the most prominent and iconic attractions of Minicoy Island is the Minicoy Lighthouse, which stands tall at the northern tip of the island. The lighthouse was built by the British in 1885 and is still operational today. It is one of the oldest and tallest lighthouses in India, with a height of 50 meters and a range of 40 nautical miles. The lighthouse is open to visitors from 3 pm to 5 pm every day, except on Fridays and public holidays.

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The Minicoy Lighthouse offers a spectacular view of the island and the sea from its top. You can climb up the 200 steps to reach the balcony and enjoy the panoramic scenery. You can also see the neighboring islands of Maldives and the shipwrecks that dot the coast. The lighthouse is surrounded by a lush green garden and a museum that displays the history and artifacts of the island. The lighthouse is a must-visit for anyone who wants to witness the beauty and heritage of Minicoy Island.

Thundi Beach: A Pristine and Serene Destination

Thundi Beach is one of the most beautiful and serene beaches in Minicoy Island. It is located on the eastern side of the island, facing the lagoon. The beach is named after the Thundi tree, which grows abundantly in the area. The beach is known for its white sand, clear water, and calm waves. It is an ideal place for relaxing, sunbathing, and swimming.

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Thundi Beach also offers a variety of water sports and activities for the adventurous. You can indulge in snorkeling, scuba diving, kayaking, sailing, and more. You can explore the coral reefs and marine life that inhabit the lagoon, or visit the nearby islands and sandbanks. You can also enjoy a picnic or a barbecue on the beach, or watch the sunrise or sunset. Thundi Beach is a paradise for nature lovers and water enthusiasts.

Boat Racing: A Thrilling and Cultural Experience

Boat racing is one of the most thrilling and cultural experiences in Minicoy Island. It is a traditional sport and a festive occasion for the islanders, who compete in teams of 11 villages. The boat racing is held on the lagoon, using wooden boats called jahadhoni. The boats are decorated with colorful flags and streamers, and are rowed by the villagers with rhythmic chants and drums. The boat racing is a spectacle of speed, skill, and spirit.

The boat racing is usually held during the monsoon season, from June to September, or on special occasions like Eid or Independence Day. The boat racing is open to visitors, who can either join a team or watch from the shore. The boat racing is a fun and exciting way to experience the culture and camaraderie of Minicoy Island.

Underwater Shipwrecks: A Mysterious and Adventurous Exploration

Minicoy Island is home to some of the most mysterious and adventurous underwater shipwrecks in the world. The island has a history of maritime trade and warfare, and has witnessed many shipwrecks over the centuries. Some of the most famous shipwrecks are the SS Hoechst, the Princess Royal, the SS Sirus, and the MV Dara. These shipwrecks are now submerged in the sea, and are inhabited by various fish, corals, and other marine creatures.

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The underwater shipwrecks can be accessed and explored by scuba diving, which is one of the most popular activities in Minicoy Island. You can dive into the depths of the sea and discover the secrets and stories of the shipwrecks, as well as the beauty and diversity of the marine life. You can also see the remains of the ancient port and the fort that once guarded the island. The underwater shipwrecks are a treasure trove for history buffs and adventure seekers.

Juma Mosque: A Sacred and Beautiful Place of Worship

Juma Mosque is one of the most sacred and beautiful places of worship in Minicoy Island. It is located in the village of Bada, and is the main mosque of the island. The mosque was built in the 17th century, and is one of the oldest and largest mosques in Lakshadweep. The mosque is known for its exquisite architecture and design, which reflects the influence of the Maldivian and Arab styles. The mosque has a dome, a minaret, and a courtyard, and is adorned with intricate carvings and paintings.

The Juma Mosque is open to visitors, who can admire its beauty and learn about its history and significance. The mosque is also the center of the religious and social life of the islanders, who gather there for prayers and festivals. The mosque hosts the Eid celebrations, which are the most important and joyous occasions in Minicoy Island. The mosque also has a library and a museum, which display the Islamic literature and artifacts of the island. The Juma Mosque is a place of peace and harmony, and a symbol of the faith and culture of Minicoy Island.

Lava Dance: A Unique and Vibrant Form of Art

Lava Dance is one of the most unique and vibrant forms of art in Minicoy Island. It is a traditional dance that originated from the Maldives, and is performed by the men of the island. The dance is a form of martial art, which involves swift and graceful movements, accompanied by drums and chants. The dance is performed with wooden sticks, which are used to strike and defend against each other. The dance is a display of strength, agility, and coordination.

The Lava Dance is performed on festive occasions, such as Eid, Independence Day, or Republic Day. The dance is also a way of entertainment and competition, as the dancers try to outdo each other with their skills and style. The dance is open to visitors, who can watch and enjoy the performance, or even join and learn the dance. The Lava Dance is a fun and lively way to experience the art and spirit of Minicoy Island.

Getting There

To reach Minicoy Island from mainland India, you have two options: by air or by sea. By air, you can take a flight from Kochi (Cochin) to Agatti Island, which is the nearest airport to Minicoy Island.

From Agatti, you can take a helicopter or a boat to reach Minicoy Island. The flight from Kochi to Agatti takes about 1.5 hours, and the helicopter or boat ride from Agatti to Minicoy takes about 1.5 hours as well.

By sea, you can take a ship from Kochi to Minicoy Island, which is operated by the Lakshadweep Administration. The ship service takes around 18 hours to reach Minicoy Island. You can book your tickets online on the Lakshadweep Administration website.

Minicoy Island is a paradise in Lakshadweep, where you can enjoy the beauty and tranquility of nature, the thrill and adventure of water sports, the heritage and culture of the islanders, and the hospitality and warmth of the locals. Minicoy Island is a destination that will leave you spellbound and satisfied, and make you want to come back again and again.

If you are looking for a perfect getaway in a tropical paradise, book your tour package or plan your trip to Minicoy Island today. Thank you for reading this article, and feel free to share your feedback or questions with us.

Minicoy Island Reviews

The next day we reached Minicoy. I have never seen such beautiful and pristine clear waters. When we were travelling on our speed boats I could see the bottom of the sea. On reaching we were taken to a lighthouse from where we could see the entire island. It was a green island covered with mostly coconut trees and surrounded by a beautiful blue sea which lashed upon the sandy beaches. Then we were taken to the beach which has been the best waters that i have seen till date. The sea water was blue with a hint of green in it. This beach was calm and had no waves as the sea bed was flat for half a km inside the sea. You could take a stroll that long inside the waters and still find water reaching your chest. I did Kayaking on the sea for some time and then got into the sea and kept floating in the sea for long as i relaxed my muscles and mind. We started playing volley on the beach and had a really fun time. Then I tried to capture the beauty of this island with my camera as much as I could. I failed miserably. We went to see some local handicraft museum and saw a beautiful vallam, a long boat which is now used for sport activities. We came back to the ship in the evening. Today was a special night, it was the full moon. I could see a orange fire ball appear around the horizon, yes the moon was orange(google up the reason). The ship deck was beautifully lit up by the full moon as we moved through the darkness all around us. You could not see any land, light over the entire horizon and you look up at the sky and see the stars far away and suddenly you feel so small, so vulnerable. After a philosophical turmoil on my brain I came back to my cabin and called it a night.
Minicoy island was part of our 5 days/4 nights Lakshadweep trip by ship. We were spending the whole daytime at the island and were coming back to ship by evening and travel to the next island by this ship during night time. It is a very amazing feeling when you are on a deck of a ship at night with the sky above filled with thousands and thousands of stars and the mighty ocean at the bottom, with no land probably in hundreds of kilometers in any direction and no other light around. You feel small, you feel helpless, but you feel enlightened, wise and lucky. All your life's problems accumulated doesn't stand anywhere in front of this. The waves created by the ship shows fluorescent white color in the moonlight, and it hits back the ship and smashes on its body. The more you concentrate on the sky, the number of stars you can see. Eventually, the sky looks to you as a black velvet paper losing its color and becoming partially white in multiple places.On the island Our destination for the day was Minicoy which is little far from the rest of the islands of Lakshadweep and much nearer to the Maldives. My morning schedule was the same, waking up before the alarm clocks at 5:30 am, a short tour to the upper deck and back to back deck for sunrise. At Minicoy, the ship had to stay a little far compared to other islands and it took the boat 20-25min to take us to the island jetty. The resort was also on the other side of the island than the jetty. Few open-hood tempo were there to take us to the place. Like other islands, the greenery was like HD quality.
We got on a flight from Kochi to Minicoy covering 398 km. It is a crescent shaped island and has one of the largest lagoons in the region. The island has beautifully arranged villages. They are known as ‘Avah’. As and when we got time, we went down to the fishing boats to catch some locals in their daily activities. Whether it is their boats or houses the locals surely have a penchant for colors in it all. If in luck, you may also catch a boat race at one of the villages. Roam through the villages and get acquainted with their culture. The island is ideal for tuna fishing. A major attraction of Minicoy is the Lighthouse built by the Britishers in 1885. With a scenic surrounding of coconut trees and white sand, this tower offers you a great vista of Virgin Island, Lakshadweep Island and Arabian Sea from the top. There are cottages on the island for the stay of the tourists.
One of the most beautiful island of Lakshadweep, Minicoy, locally known as Maliku is a crescent shaped island, famous for its beautiful lagoons, colorful reefs, and thickly grown coconut trees. Beautiful resort with AC rooms is added advantage here. It is on the southernmost flank of Lakshadweep. Minicoy isn’t connected via air you have to take a 1.5 day cruise from Cochin to reach there. Choice has to be made either to visit Minicoy or other islands, both cannot be done in single trip if you are looking for night stay.
Minicoy: the one with amazing views. This place has a light house which when climbed till the top gives u a soul calming view which will not only make ur eyes happy but ur soul too... The sport for last day was kayaking and the knee boarding is what I did other Dan kayaking 🙂 It was a fun and relaxing day.
Photos of Minicoy Island
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