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Kaigal Falls
📍 Kaigal Falls, Andhra PradeshView map ›

🗓 Best Time To Visit:June to February

⏰ Open Hours:24/7, All days of the week

🏞 Things To Do:Picnicking, Photography, Nature Walks

💵 Entry Fees:Free

👥 Traveller Types:Nature Lovers, Adventure Seekers, Photographers

🔖 Known For:Natural Waterfall, Exotic Flora and Fauna, Scenic Beauty

📍 Distances:From Chittoor Railway Station - 84 km, From Tirupati Airport - 105 km, From Bangalore - 150 km

📌 Tips:Carry food and water, Wear comfortable footwear, Beware of slippery rocks

🌳 Nearby Attractions:Kaundinya Wildlife Sanctuary, Kailasakona Waterfalls, Nagalapuram Waterfalls

🛍 Shopping:Local Handicrafts and Souvenirs in Chittoor Town

🍽 Food:Local Andhra Cuisine available in nearby towns

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Kaigal Falls: A Hidden Gem in Andhra Pradesh That You Must Visit

Have you ever heard of Kaigal Falls? If not, you are missing out on one of the most beautiful and serene waterfalls in India. Kaigal Falls, also known as Dumukurallu Waterfalls, is a hidden gem in Andhra Pradesh that you must visit at least once in your lifetime.

Kaigal Falls is located in the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, about 130 km from Bangalore and 280 km from Chennai. The waterfall derives its name from the nearby village of Kaigal, which means “a place of water” in Telugu. The local people also call it Dumukurallu Waterfalls, which means “a waterfall with a sound of falling stones” in Telugu. This is because the waterfall creates a loud noise as it gushes down from a height of 40 feet over a rocky bed.

Kaigal Falls is not just a waterfall, but a complete package of nature, wildlife, and culture. The waterfall is situated in the Koundinya Wildlife Sanctuary, which is home to a variety of flora and fauna, such as elephants, leopards, deer, monkeys, and birds. The waterfall also has a religious significance, as there is a Shiva linga near its base, where devotees flock during the Shivratri festival. The waterfall is a perennial source of water, which makes it an ideal destination for all seasons.

If you are looking for a refreshing and relaxing getaway from the hustle and bustle of the city, Kaigal Falls is the perfect place for you.

Here are some tips on how to plan a perfect trip to Kaigal Falls.

Best Time to Visit Kaigal Falls

It can be visited throughout the year, as the water flow is constant and the weather is pleasant. However, the best time to visit is between October and March, when the monsoon season is over and the waterfall is at its full glory. The temperature during this time ranges from 15°C to 25°C, which is ideal for sightseeing and photography. Avoid visiting during the summer months of April to June, when the temperature can soar up to 40°C and the water level can drop.

How to Reach Kaigal Falls

It is easily accessible by road from nearby cities, such as Bangalore, Chennai, and Hyderabad. You can either take a bus, a taxi, or a private vehicle to reach the waterfall. The nearest bus stop is at Palamaner, which is about 30 km from the waterfall. The nearest railway station is at Pakala, which is about 60 km from the waterfall. The nearest airport is at Tirupati, which is about 120 km from the waterfall. From any of these points, you can hire a local guide or a vehicle to take you to the waterfall. The last 2 km of the road is a muddy trail, which can be challenging to drive on. You may have to park your vehicle and walk the rest of the way to the waterfall.

Entry Fee and Time Required for Kaigal Falls

It does not have any entry fee, as it is a natural attraction. However, you may have to pay a nominal fee to the guide or the vehicle owner who takes you to the waterfall. You can also make a donation to the Shiva temple near the waterfall, if you wish. The time required to visit the waterfall depends on your interest and preference. You can spend anywhere from an hour to a whole day at the waterfall, enjoying its beauty and tranquility. The waterfall is open from 6 am to 6 pm, so plan your visit accordingly.

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Accommodation Options near Kaigal Falls

The falls does not have any accommodation options nearby, as it is a remote and secluded place. The nearest hotels are in Palamaner, Pakala, or Tirupati, which are at least 30 km away from the waterfall. Therefore, it is advisable to plan a one day trip to the waterfall, unless you are willing to camp near the waterfall or stay in a village homestay. If you are looking for a comfortable and luxurious stay, you can check out the top hotel collections near Chittoor, such as OYO hotels, villas, and resorts.

Tips and Precautions

Kaigal Falls is a natural wonder that deserves your respect and care. Here are some tips and precautions to follow while visiting the waterfall:

1. Pack enough food and water, as there are no shops or restaurants near the waterfall. You can also carry some snacks and fruits to feed the monkeys and birds that frequent the waterfall.

2. Wear comfortable shoes and clothes, as you may have to walk on a muddy trail and cross some streams to reach the waterfall. You can also carry a change of clothes, as you may get wet or dirty while exploring the waterfall.

3. Avoid swimming or bathing in the water bodies near the waterfall, as they may be deep, slippery, or infested with leeches. You can dip your feet or splash some water on your face, but be careful not to slip or fall.

4. Respect the wildlife and the environment, and do not disturb, harm, or feed them. Do not litter or make noise, and dispose of your waste properly. Do not pluck any flowers or plants, or damage any rocks or trees.

5. Explore the local culture and cuisine, and interact with the villagers and the guides. You can learn more about the history and legend of the waterfall, and the lifestyle and traditions of the people. You can also taste some authentic Telugu dishes, such as pulihora, pappu, and gongura.

Kaigal Falls is a hidden gem in Andhra Pradesh that you must visit if you are a nature lover, a wildlife enthusiast, or a culture buff. It is a place where you can experience the beauty, serenity, and diversity of nature, and create some unforgettable memories. So, what are you waiting for? Plan your trip to Kaigal Falls today, and discover this amazing destination for yourself.

Do you have any questions or feedback about Kaigal Falls? Let us know in the comments section below. We would love to hear from you.

Kaigal Falls Reviews

Kaigal falls, which gets its name from a nearby village, is also popularly known as Dumukkurallu Waterfalls. The name ‘Dumukkurallu’ originated since the sound of the waterfall resembles the sound of falling stones. Kaigal falls is undoubtedly a hidden beauty which gets enhanced all the more in the monsoon season.
Photos of Kaigal Falls
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